

Fast Food Restaurant at Pompeii

"Italy:Fast Food Restaurant discovered in Pompeii Ruins."  
viva el arte

Discovery of Fast Food Restaurant at Pompeii.

Pompeii Archeological Park's long-term boss, Massimo Osanna said Saturday that while approximately 80 such quick nourishments have been found at Pompeii, it is the first run through quite a hot-food-drink diner — known as a thermopolium — was totally uncovered.

A cheap fast food restaurant at Pompeii has been exhumed, assisting with uncovering dishes that were famous for the residents of the old Roman city who were inclined toward eating out.

Pompeii Archeological Park's long-term boss, Massimo Osanna said Saturday that while approximately 80 such quick nourishments have been found at Pompeii, it is the first run through quite a hot-food-drink diner — known as a thermopolium — was totally uncovered.

Pompeii was pulverized by the volcanic ejection of Mount Vesuvius, which is close to introduce day Naples. A large part of the antiquated city actually lies unexcavated. The site is one of Italy's most famous vacation spots.

A portion of the inexpensive food counter was mostly dove up in 2019 during work to support Pompeii's oft-disintegrating ruins. From that point forward, archeologists continued burrowing, uncovering a multi-sided-counter, with average wide openings embedded into its top. The ledge held profound vessels for hot nourishments, much the same as soup holders settled into current plate of mixed greens bars.


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