

Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Claude Monet. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Claude Monet. Mostrar todas las entradas

La Casa de Monet

Giverny es una comuna francesa, situada en el departamento de Eure (en el borde de Yvelines) y la región de Haute-Normandie. En 1883, Claude Monet se instaló en la aldea en una casa alquilada que luego compraría. Reordenó el jardín y cavó, un brazo del Epte, la cuenca en la que pintó "su Nenúfares famosos. Murió 05 de diciembre 1926, está enterrado en el cementerio contiguo a la iglesia. Al mismo tiempo, varios pintores, como los estadounidenses, se instalaron en el pueblo. Algunos se hizo amigo de Claude Monet. La propiedad está sujeta a una inscripción en el inventario de monumentos históricos desde el 06 de abril 1976.

Nahmad Art Collection

Based in Monaco, the Nahmad family has been collecting great art for two generations, ranging from Impressionism to Surrealism and beyond; indeed, now in its second generation, their patronage has seen the family name appear frequently in some of the more spectacular auctions of recent times. 

Now, for the first time ever, one hundred major pieces from what is thought to be a one-of-a-kind private collection are to go on show in an exclusive exhibition at the Kunsthaus Zürich.

Picasso, with a breathtaking selection of work from all phases of his career, is one of the best-represented artists in the collection; but there are also Matisse, Modigliani and Kandinsky, with whole series of brilliant pieces; and Claude Monet, one of the ancestors of the modernist movement, with late, luminous images of his travels in the south.

But although the Nahmad Collection is ostensibly committed to the orthodox canon, it has its eclectic touches too, including works by proponents of late Impressionism (Renoir, Degas and Seurat) at the end of the 19th century, through advocates of Cubism and Abstract Art all the way to the Surrealists: Salvador Dalí and Max Ernst rub shoulders with exceptional pieces by Joan Miró, for a truly astonishing tour of some great moments in modern art. The Nahmad Collection!


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