

Indiana University will return looted painting

Indiana University says President Michael McRobbie and other university representatives will travel to Germany for a ceremony Monday to return the painting to the Jagdschloss Grunewald, a royal hunting lodge on the outskirts of Berlin.

Indiana University will return the painting depicting the flagellation of Christ to the Berlin palace where it disappeared in 1945. 

More than 60 years after it disappeared from a Berlin museum in the chaotic aftermath of World War II. The Art Museum of  Indiana University acquired the painting in 1985 as a gift from former  President Herman B Wells. Indiana University officials said Thursday that Wells purchased the work in good faith from a London art gallery in 1967.

The painting created by a Cologne master, the Flagellation of Christ dates to the late 15th century and originally formed part of a wing of an altarpiece.

Indiana University says the oil-on-oak painting  was one of more than a dozen paintings looted from the Berlin museum by Russian and British soldiers during the summer of 1945.


Ai Weiwei a naughty boy

"It seems you can’t really talk about art in China today without bringing up Ai Weiwei.

Even though a Friday panel for the U.S.-China Forum on the Arts and Culture was focused on culture and commerce, China’s most well-known and controversial artist was the dragon in the room.

Mr. Ai “has been a naughty boy,” said artist Liu Xiaodong, to chuckles from the audience. “I’m not kidding. When I first knew him he had nothing, and I had more than him.” Now, of course, Ai makes international news.

“He is an innocent child who loves practical jokes,” Mr. Liu added. Artist Xu Bing’s comment on Ai was even more succinct. “As Liu said, he does not agree with my approach to art. And so my art, Liu’s art, and Ai Weiwei’s art are very different,” Mr. Xu said." 
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Museum of Communism

 "On Prague’s Na Prikope street, in the very heart of the city –right next to McDonalds – is a Museum of Communism. What comes as a surprise to many locals and foreign visitors is that this private venture is the work of an American businessman who owns a number of bars and restaurants in the Czech capital. 

Glenn Spicker came to Prague 17 years ago, on a wave of interest in the post communist world. Unlike others he launched a successful business venture and stayed. As Glenn gave me a tour of the museum, he explained what made him branch out so far from his field of enterprise."Read more


Exposición "Situación de Calle"

Estimada Cabusri,
"Situación de Calle" la vengo trabajando desde al año 2004, cuando pinté a "El viejo", el cuál se ganó una mención en el Salón de Otoño de ese año y así han ido saliendo los diferente personajes que he pintado. Son personajes reales, existen, he conversado con ellos, me he interiorizado de sus problemas, de sus sueños, con mucho respeto les he pedido permiso, para bocetearlos o fotografiarlos y me he encontrado con personas maravillosas y algunos muy educados. 

La serie completa consta de 15 óleos de mediano formato y pretendo hacer esta exposición itinerante, para cumplir el objetivo del proyecto.

En la actualidad cuento con el Patrocinio de la SNBA, Municipalidad de Puerto Montt, Corporación Culturalde Puerto Montt y del Consejo de la Cultura y las artes.

No tengo ningún auspiciador, por lo que me he gastado todos mis ahorros, pero créeme vale la pena cumplir un sueño.

Carmen Altamirano


The art of the Impressionist Masters

Impressionist artist  

"Impressionist masters from the French painting collection of the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, in Williamstown, Massachusetts is on view at CaixaForum in Barcelona. To begin with, it reconstructs the path that led to Impressionism, when a group of painters –Camille Corot, Jean-François Millet, Constant Troyon and Théodore Rousseau— decided to move to the wood of Barbizon, close to Fontainebleau, in order to be able to paint in the open air. Traditionally, the landscape had been the backcloth of mythological or religious scenes. The artists from the Barbizon school moved it into the foreground and established an intimate relationship, as if they wanted to merge it with nature.

The Impressionists quickly followed their steps. The early compositions by Claude Monet, Gustave Caillebotte or Alfred Sisley aspire to retain the impression of a moment during the day, magnificently and sumptuously, through the effects of light and colour."


Social Projects "la Caixa" Foundation > Our centers > CaixaForum Barcelona English:

Ai Weiwei in an opaque system

"Dissident artist Ai Weiwei's latest provocative piece was handed to him by the Chinese government: a $2.4 million tax bill that he says is a trumped-up effort to silence him.

Though jarred after spending nearly three months in police detention this year, he turned the demand into performance art — posting official documents online, tallying loans from supporters and making a video of himself singing an anti-censorship song.

It opened a window on an opaque system, and showed that many in China share his desire for government accountability. 

Supporters donated more than $1.3 million (8.5 million yuan) to Ai's in just two weeks, some of it folded into paper airplanes or wrapped around fruit and thrown over his gate."

The Associated Press: Ai Weiwei makes tax battle a 'social performance':

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